The Silent Gardener is a BC company that usually likes to be as unobtrusive as possible. But when making their new video, Unicycle Creative decided to get under peoples’ skin a bit.
Opening with the dental-filling-shaking sounds of a Harley Davidson, the video asks a simple question: Ever want to just turn down the world?
The answer, of course, is to start in your own back yard.
In the Lower Mainland (Vancouver) market, there is a rich urban soundscape, including our share of audio irritants. There is also a strong appreciation for the beauty and general peacefulness of our surroundings. This strategy gives people an option to do something about their own personal ‘sound footprint’ by considering a quieter landscaping option.
Because The Silent Gardener specializes in commercial properties, stratas and green roofs, it was also important to show off some of their larger scale electrical equipment, including hedge trimmers and even a ride-on mower that can quietly cut acres of grass.
Yours truly illustrated and animated the video, and real life footage was shot by Jason Robinson of Sustainability Television. Vancouver sound studio GGRP provided the voiceover track and sound effects.
So what’s YOUR sound-pollution footprint? Do you own a motorcycle with straight pipes? Or do you wear soft-soled shoes in the yard so as not to disturb the snoozing squirrels?
Either way, you might want to consider a quieter, greener landscaping option. And now you know where to find them, quietly working away.
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