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Telling a sustainability story with a warmer image.

February 11th, 2014 · No Comments

200Thou-StyroWe recently completed some blog updates for the London Drugs What’s the Green Deal? program, to help recognize some recent achievements and help customers feel the sustainable love. In the past, we have concentrated on longer-form articles for the blog. These perform well, both from an SEO perspective, and for creating a searchable online database of usable information. But sometimes you want to get the point across in a quicker, more engaging and, hopefully, sharable way.

The first message was designed to let people know that their recycling efforts at London Drugs are making a difference, by sharing a milestone recently achieved by the unique in-store Styrofoam recycling and Bring Back the Pack program. With over 200,000lbs recycled to date, it’s a great story. We used Google and good old-fashioned calculator math to figure out just how many coffee cups that actually represents.

GreenDeal-ValentineThe second post was our Green Valentine – an ode to sustainability, recognizing that romance can be eco-friendly, too.

Both were illustrated by Lorne Craig, using a combination of hand-drawing on the iPad (paper by Fifty-Three App) and colorizing in Photoshop.

Click on the illustrations to visit the Green Deal blog, and if you like this approach, please share it up.




Tags: Art · Green Creative · Unicycle Case Studies

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