When most companies think of marketing, it’s all about simplifying and wrapping up their advantages in a few carefully-chosen words and images. But sometimes showing customers and prospects the bigger picture can make a greater impact.
Hemlock Printers recently hosted a booth at the Globe 2014 Exposition, part of the world-famous summit on business and the environment held every two years in Vancouver. They challenged Unicycle Creative to design a booth that would tell the story of their significant environmental advantages, that would still be approachable enough for general trade show use in the future.
The team decided to bring their printing supply chain right out into the open, giving sales representatives a tool to engage customers with a story at whatever point interested them most. It also let Hemlock showcase the depth of their signature ZERO program for helping individual projects offset their carbon footprint. All done with a warm, inviting illustrative style.
What stories lie waiting in your supply chain? Do you have special relationships with suppliers? Have you moved to improve your transparency, oversight or certifications recently?
Consider bringing your supply chain to the marketing party. Done right, it can open a window to your brand that educates, entertains and demonstrates authentic brand advantage.
And if your President rides his bike to work, as Hemlock’s Richard Kouwenhoven does, put him in there, too.
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